Sunday November 5th 2023
Calling all Acorn aficionados, enthusiasts, and oak-nut neophytes to come celebrate the fall of them! Join us at 218 Streeter Woods Road in Dorchester NH for acorn lore, cultural connections, delicious and nourishing acorn foods & beverages, and FUN at the Hummingbird Center.
Acorn Festival activities will include a Hummingbird Center organic garden farm tour/acorn gathering walk, acorn processing tools, hands-on demonstrations, & further resources.
There will be acorn foods & beverages to sample, recipes to share, Acorn-Oak Art Exhibit, contests & prizes for the biggest acorn & littlest acorn, and the Golden Acorn Treasure Hunt. There will also be oak and acorn products for sale.
You are welcome to bring acorns gathered elsewhere and use the Cooperative’s hand-cast Davebilt Nutcracker (to make short work of cracking them). Recipes and more to explore and share at your upcoming family and holiday celebrations.

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